
Rumpoles age 18 months – 2 1⁄2 years

: 1 teacher to 5 children

Rumpoles Room
Rumpoles Room at Weefolk Playhouse

The Rumpoles are a very active and creative group of toddlers! They are exploring their curiosities, learning to share and respect their peers and beginning to learn ABC’s, 1,2,3’s and more vocabulary. They love dramatic play with dress up clothes, the kitchen and dolls; the puzzles are a favourite with them as well as the reading center. There is a block area with large vehicles and soft blocks, which allow them to build various structures. In this group we are setting these children up with the skills, which will facilitate the transition to the Preschool room. Some activities in this group include:

Circle time: the Rumpoles will spend a longer period of time in circle than in the younger groups. The educators are much more interactive and engage the children in answering questions to stimulate brain activity for growth and development.

Going outside: There is a very large yard, which is shared between this group and the preschoolers. The Rumpoles enjoy running and playing games in the yard with their peers. There are three mini-houses in the yard as well as a shed full of mini-bikes, cars, strollers and balls for the children to play with. In the summer, we have outdoor water play every day that it’s hot and sunny!!

Arts and Crafts: The Rumpoles are at a very sensory stage in development. During arts and crafts, we find them very interested in how the glue and paint feels like on their hands! They really enjoy showing off their finished projects and really feel overjoyed before Christmas when they are wrapping up their scrapbooks to give the parents!!


The children in this group are becoming more aware of their bodies and the educators make sure to guide them through this stage. This includes toilet training, controlling their bodies, physical contact with children and teachers, hand washing, and so on. The Rumpoles are taught and encouraged to use manners, such as ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘excuse me’, etc… We provide opportunities for creativity, discovery and adventure and anticipate the children to participate in these experiences with their peers.

Sample Schedule:

Sample Rumpole Schedule